Link Aggregation Configuration Example The output algorithm defaults to selecting the output port based upon the destination and source IP address. . Setup and maintained DNS, WINS and DHCP servers. Access Control Lists on the A4 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list mac mymac permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assignqueue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists mymac mymac MAC access-list 1: deny 00-E0-ED-1D-90-D5 any 2: permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assign-queue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list interface mymac fe.1.2 in A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists interface fe.1.2 24-14 Port-string Access-list ----------- ----------- fe.1. show snmp group groupname grpname Display an SNMP groups access rights. Enable DHCP snooping globally on the switch. Interface-specific parameters are configured with variations of the Spanning Tree port configuration commands. Default is 300 seconds. If it finds a match, it forwards the frame out the appropriate port, if and only if, that port is allowed to transmit frames for VLAN 50. + Configuring OSPF Areas OSPF allows collections of contiguous networks and hosts to be grouped together. Configuring Port Link Flap Detection Procedure 8-2 Link Flap Detection Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 4. Configuring OSPF Areas injected into the stub area to enable other stub routers within the stub area to reach any external routes that are no longer inserted into the stub area. CoS Hardware Resource Configuration 1.0 4 irl none 1.0 5 irl none 1.0 6 irl none 1.0 7 irl none 1.0 8 irl none 1.0 9 irl none 1.0 10 irl none 1.0 95 irl none 1.0 96 irl none 1.0 97 irl none 1.0 98 irl none 1.0 99 irl none Use the show cos port-resource irl command to display the data rate and unit of the rate limiter for port 1.0: System(su)->show cos port-resource irl 1. Password Reset Button Functionality Procedure 5-3 Configuring System Password Settings (continued) Step Task Command(s) 2. Bridges A, B, C and D participate in VLAN 10. The hosts are configured to use as the default route. 1518 capture loadsize The RMON capture maximum number of cotets from each packet to be downloaded from the buffer. Determines if the keys for trap doors do exist. Decides if the upstream neighbor is capable of receiving prunes. Notice Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document and its web site without prior notice. Neighbor Discovery Overview Figure 13-2 LLDP-MED LLDP-MED Network Connectivity Devices: Provide IEEE 802 network access to LLDP-MED endpoints (for example, L2/L3 switch) LLDP-MED Generic Endpoints (Class I): Basic participant endpoints in LLDP-MED (for example, IP communications controller) IP Network Infrastructure (IEEE 802 LAN) LLDP-MED Media Endpoints (Class ll): Supports IP media streams (for media gateways, conference bridges) LLDP-MED Communication Device Endpoints (Class III): Support IP comm. Any router with a priority of 0 will opt out of the DR election process. Switch 3s blocking port eventually transitions to a forwarding state which leads to a looped condition. A value of 0 means that two consecutive SPF calculations are performed one immediately after the other. show igmpsnooping Display static IGMP ports for one or more VLANs or IGMP groups. The Lenovo ThinkSystem ST550 is a scalable 4U tower server that features powerful Intel Xeon processor Scalable family CPUs. Ctrl+H Delete character to left of cursor. Table 15-5 on page 15-19 defines the characteristics of each MSTI. sFlow sFlow Agent Functionality Packet flow sampling and counter sampling are performed by sFlow Instances associated with individual Data Sources within the sFlow Agent. Configuration parameters and stacking information can also be cleared on the master unit only by selecting the restore configuration to factory defaults option from the boot menu on switch startup. Enterasys Switch - [PDF Document] Display current IPv6 management status. Maximum bandwidth utilization takes place when all bridges participate on all VLANs. Create a DHCPv6 pool and enter pool configuration mode for that pool. A value of 0 equates to an 802.1p priority of 0. Procedure 22-2 OSPF Interface Configuration Step Task Command(s) 1. 6. If you have different switches with VLANs and want to connect them together you have to set the egress state of the ports where the switches are connect together: example: Switch A is connected with Switch B (let's say the uplink port between both is ge.1.1 then you have to: - create the VLAN : set vlan create 20 Basic Switch Configuration - YouTube 4. Operation and Maintenance of layer 2 switch (cisco and extreme), configuration, backup and replacement. Dynamic ARP Inspection 26-28 Configuring Security Features. Considerations About Using clear config in a Stack To create a virtual switch configuration in a stack environment: 1. C5(su)->router C5(su)->router>enable C5(su)->router#configure Enter configuration commands: C5(su)->router(Config)#router rip C5(su)->router(Config-router)#exit C5(su)->router(Config)#interface vlan 1 C5(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip address 255.255.255. In this way, VACM allows you to permit or deny access to any individual item of management information depending on a user's group membership and the level of security provided by the communications channel. Routing Interfaces Example The following example shows how to enable RIP on the switch, then configure VLAN 1 with IP address as a routing interface and enable RIP on the interface. Use the show spantree mstcfgid command to determine MSTI configuration identifier information, and whether or not there is a misconfiguration due to non-matching configuration identifier components: This example shows how to display MSTI configuration identifier information. 1 second priority Specifies the router priority for the master election for this virtual router. IRDP Disabled on all interfaces. Policy is applied using the port level default configuration. Configuring Syslog Note: The set logging local command requires that you specify both console and file settings. User Account Overview Procedure 5-2 on page 5-4 shows how a super-user creates a new super-user account and assigns it as the emergency access account. Set the MultiAuth mode. set ipsec authentication {md5 | sha1} Note: This command is not available if the security mode setting is C2. . show access-lists [interface [portstring]] | [vlan [vlan-id]] 7. Use the passive-interface command in router configuration command mode to configure an interface as passive or to set passive as the default mode of operation for all interfaces. To use the ping commands, configure the switch for network (in-band) connection. Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the cable to the RJ45 console port on the D2 . set sflow receiver index ip ipaddr 3. sFlow Table 18-7 lists the commands to display sFlow information and statistics. Port Configuration Overview maximum number of packets which can be received per second with the set port broadcast command: Maximum packet per second values are: 148810 for Fast Ethernet ports 1488100 for 1-Gigabit ports. I I worked on Planning cabling, planning and configuring switch and LAN security infrastructure. Configuring VRRP Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#exit Multiple Backup VRRP Configuration Figure 23-3 shows a multi-backup sample configuration. 2. Policy Configuration Example Policy Configuration Example This section presents a college-based policy configuration example. Searches for the doors matching such a key and verifies that the door is available. The CIST contains a root bridge, which is the root of the Spanning Tree for the network. Configuration Guide. Using the viewnames assigned in Step 1, create restricted views for v1/v2c users, and unrestricted views for v3 users. RMON Table 18-1 RMON Group Event RMON Monitoring Group Functions and Commands (continued) What It Does What It Monitors CLI Command(s) Controls the generation and notification of events from the device. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Neighbor Discovery Configuration Refer to Table 25-2 on page 25-4 for the default Neighbor Discovery values. (1800 seconds) preference level The preference value for this advertised address. enable|disable EnablesordisablesClassofServiceontheswitch.Defaultstateis disabled. This may be done to choose a particular path. Spanning Tree Basics The MSTP enabled network may contain any combination of Single Spanning Tree (SST) regions and Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) regions. System(su)->show port ratelimit fe.1.1 Global Ratelimiting status is disabled. VLAN Static Membership by Port VLAN Port Configuration EAPOL authentication mode When enabled, set to auto for all ports. Enable or disable Telnet services, inbound, outbound, or all. Optionally, delete an entire ACL or a single rule or range of rules. TACACS+ Procedure 26-3 MAC Locking Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 7. In this configuration, an interface on VLAN 111 for Router R1 or Router R2, or VRID 1, 2, or 3 fails, the interface on the other router will take over for forwarding outside the local LAN segment. enable|disable Enablesordisablesportwebauthentication. Enterasys Switch: List of Devices # Model Type of Document; 1: Enterasys I3H252: Enterasys Switch I3H252 Hardware installation manual (78 pages) 2: Enterasys I Series: Ctrl+I or TAB Complete word. Optionally set the MultiAuth authentication idle timeout value for the specified authentication method. The default password is set to a blank string. Frames will egress as tagged. sFlow Configuring Poller and Sampler Instances A poller instance performs counter sampling on the data source to which it is configured. Removing Units from an Existing Stack If the running stack uses a daisy chain topology, make the stack cable connections from the bottom of the stack to the new unit (that is, STACK DOWN port from the bottom unit of the running stack to the STACK UP port on the new unit). show config [all | facility | memcard] Display the contents of a file located in the configs or logs directory. Spanning Tree Basics Figure 15-8 MSTI 1 in a Region CIST Root 1 MSTI 1 2 5 MST CIST Regional Root 3 4 MSTI 1 Regional Root Legend: Physical Link Blocked VLANs Figure 15-9 MSTI2 in the Same Region MSTI 2 1 5 MST CIST Regional Root 3 2 MSTI 2 Regional Root 4 Legend: Physical Link Blocked VLANs Figure 15-10 on page 15-19 shows 3 regions with five MSTIs. 1.6 IP-PBX Info x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x Info x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x. Enabling Master Preemption By default, a router is enabled to preempt a lower priority master for the configured virtual router. For example, to set the console port baud rate to 19200: C5(su)->set console baud 19200 VT100 Terminal Mode VT100 terminal mode supports automatic console session termination on removal of the serial connection (vs. timeout). A DHCP server manages a user-configured pool of IP addresses from which it can make assignments upon client requests. Configuring Authentication Procedure 10-1 IEEE 802.1x Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 2. Link Aggregation Overview Single Port Attached State Rules By default, a LAG must contain two or more actor and partner port pairs for the LAG to be initiated by this device. describes the following security features and how to configure them on the Fixed Switch platforms. 7 Configuring System Power and PoE This chapter describes how to configure Redundant Power Supply mode on the C5 and G-Series switches, and how to configure Power over Ethernet (PoE) on platforms that support PoE. Set the SNMP target address for notification message generation. Be sure that your serial connection is set properly: Baud rate: 115200 bps (for 5420, 5520, X435, X465, X590, X690, X695, and X870 models) Baud rate: 9600 bps (for other models) Data bits: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity: none Flow control: none Boot up the switch. PDF ExtremeXOS Quick Guide - Paul T Clark System name Set to empty string. 2. Basic OSPF Topology Configuration OSPF Router Types OSPF router type is an attribute of an OSPF process. Procedure 25-5 Neighbor Discovery Configuration Step Task Command(s) 1. BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT, CAREFULLY READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. User logs in via console <164>Apr 21 08:44:13 10.27.12. 4 - Load new operational code using XMODEM 5 - Display operational code vital product data 6 - Run Flash Diagnostics 7 - Update Boot Code 8 - Delete operational code 9 - Reset the system 10 - Restore Configuration to factory defaults (delete config files) 11 - Set new Boot Code password [Boot Menu] 2 5. Table 9-1 Default VLAN Parameters Parameter Description Default Value garp timers Configures the three GARP timers. Stackable Switches Configuration Guide Firmware Version 1.1.xx P/N 9034314-05. i Notice Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document and its web site without prior notice. Specification Guide (English) Quick Setup Guide (English) User Manual (English) Installation Instruction (English) DFE (PLATINUM) WITH 60 10 100 1000BASE-T 7G4202-60 Figure 23-2 Basic Configuration Example VRID 1 Router R1 Router R2 ge.1.1 VLAN 111 ge.1.1 VLAN 111 172.111.1. switch# show ip igmp snooping groups [[vlan] vlan-id] [detail] If so, this door is tagged or bound to the notification entry. RMON Procedure 18-1 Step Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (continued) Task Command(s) startup - (Optional) Specifies the alarm type generated when this event is first enabled rthresh - (Optional) Specifies the minimum threshold that will cause a rising alarm fthresh - (Optional) Specifies the minimum threshold that will cause a falling alarm revent - (Optional) Specifies the index number of the RMON event to be triggered when the rising threshold is crossed fevent - (Optional) Specifies.
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