Habitat: Emerald tree boas are native to South America. Probably the best starter species. (Gonglyophis colubrinus) CB06 (Gerrhosaurus major) Adult There was an error while trying to use the location services. A stunning crested gecko colour morph! (Bufo guttatus) CB sales@blackpoolreptiles.co.uk Pet Shop License Number: AWL0014 Company Number: 11498742 VAT: GB302506060. An amazing lizard from the Eatern Mediterranean region which looks like a brightly coloured bearded dragon! (Pantherophis guttata) CB15 Gets very large. (Aulacobolus rubropunctatus) WC (Dasia olivacea) CB13 The classic small python in it's natural colours! A beautiful species with red flanks and golden speckles. Probably the best starter species. Heat the bulb to 40 degrees Celsius and heat the general ambient temperature of the vivarium to 30 degrees Celsius regulated by means of a thermostat. Not for beginners! Grow to around 6 inches so a better alternative for those with less room than the sliders. Amazing irredescent green on these with blue as well on the adult males! (Pseudemys peninsularis) CB12 A stunning and iconic tree frog! Red neo 650 Copyright Exotic Pets UK Limited 2023 . They make an ideal beginner snake, however, do need regular handling when young. A beautiful sub adult specimen available. (Morelia spiloides variegata) CB10 (Lampropeltis getula) CB20 Python breitensteini (CB13) (fulignosis X maculata)CB11 A very active and interesting species. (Pantherophis guttata) CB21 Probably the best starter species. For any questions, enquiries or deliverys about any animals or set ups please feel free to message or call us. Californian Kingsnakes range in colour morphs from black and white striped or bands to chocolate, lavander, albino and many more. 100% Het Stripe/66% het anery/50% het hypo&sunkissed. Live socially. (Epicrates cenchria) CB14 But with Anerythristic colouration! Very placid and attractive snake. (Brachypelma boehmei) The popular pet species! An interesting, super inquisitive and friendly skink! (Pantherophis guttata) CB21 An interesting lizard with yellow flecking on its sides, pointed overlapping scales, and blue and black markings. Definite little characters. (Melanophryniscus stelzneri) WC $399.99. (Stasimopus robertsi) WC Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Boas and Pythons for sale - Exotic Pets (Pandinus cavimnaus) WC (Lampropeltis getula californae) A small species from europe. (Coelognathus helana) CB21 (Physignathus cocincinus) CF21 In recent years, they are now classed as location of the wild-collected adults. An attractive land hermit crab from the Carribean. For juveniles, an enclosure measuring 24 inches wide x 18 inches deep x 24 inches high would be appropriate. Grows very large. The belly is yellow. Gold Gliding Tree Frogs are easy to care for, and they make popular pets. Here is a selection of some of the animals I have for sale, which will vary with the season and my ability to photograph and post the photos. We use our 20+ years ofcombined experience to supply you the healthiest animals with the best genetics available. (Eumeces schneideri) WC Trustap is a secure transaction platform that protects you from being scammed when you want to buy or sell with someone you don't know. King. (Microhyla pulchra) WC Very attractive scorpions! CB13 A beautiful and seriously underated species! Lepidodactylus lugubris (Lampropeltis triangulum stuarti) CB13 A very attractive snake, not commonly seen! A gorgeous specimen! An attractive species related to the popular fire bellied toad. (Testudo marginata) Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) ADULTS. (Thamnophis sirtalis) (Pantherophis guttata) CB14 Buy your new pet reptile today! Phidippus regius Green Tree Pythons | HK Constrictors The popular pet species! (Rhampholeon kerstenni) WC Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Preloved, The Joy of Second Hand, Preloved People and The Second Hander are trademarks of Moo Limited. An attractive and not often seen species!! (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB20 (Eublepharis macularius) CB12 The popular pet species! European species. A very attractive and unique species. (Kassina sengalensis) WC They aren't from the same species, genus or family. A heat bulb should be provided, but kept covered by a cage to avoid the occupant hurting itself. (Pantherophis bairdi)CB09 Columbian Rainbow Boas can reach an adult length of 7ft but average out at 4-5ft. (Lampropeltis getula getula)CB12 Not often seen! (Gongylophis conicus)CB13 We, along with others in the hobby, have decided to keep them listed as Brooks. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. (Megophrys nasuta) (Dendrobates auratus) CB14 Adults average between 4 and 6 feet, with males on the lower end of this scale and females on the upper end. A beautifully coloured snake, very intense contrast! (Pantherophis guttata) CB10 (Python reticulatus) CB male Green Tree python. Green tree python | Smithsonian's National Zoo (Heterodon nasicus) CB20 Fun Emerald Tree Boa Facts For Kids | Kidadl Gorgeus red colouration! This advert is located in and around Slings. An awesome looking lively species! (Poecilotheria ornata) CB These can reach 2ft in length!! Brazilian Rainbow Boa (Epicrates chenchria) MALES ONLY $289.00 . Birmingham, West Midlands. A must have! Emerald Tree Boa's For Sale In The North West At Appleton Exotics . There are 2 main reasons for this; firstly emerald tree boas are not small reptiles and can easily grow to 4-6ft in length. The popular pet species! UK Pythons & Boas - MorphMarket MorphMarket's Default Store Policy (Nhandu chromatus) CB Not often seen! An interesting lizard made famous by David Attenborough! Bearded dragons are one of the most widely kept lizard species and make excellent kids pets. UK captive bread biak x Cyclops 2016 Green tree Python female for sale she has a lovely temperament easy to hold. The largest of the European species. (Crotaphytus insularis) CB13 (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB10 Amazing blue colours as an adult. An amazing bargain at this price! An arboreal species with a bit of attitude! Just short of 5 feet in length and very tame. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Baby Coastal Carpet Python . (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB11 One of the most attractive Brachypelma species. A more docile alternative to Tokays! here we have our baby's boa constrictor for sale. Very nice little hardy spiders and good disposition. (Pantherophis guttata) CB20 (Lichanura trivirgata) Adult A stunning species with a very long blue tail! Welcome to the DHR store | Darren Hamill Reptiles A stunning and very rare species! A very attractive snake! (Gonglyophis colubrinus) CB13 (Pantherophis guttata) CB22 (Pituophis catenifer) CB10 Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. (Pterinochilus murinus) (Vitalius paranaensis) Kenyan Sand Boa Gongylophis colubrinus Prices from 120.00 Kenyan Sand Boas are found living within sandy areas of East Africa. Everything from ball pythons, boas, and corn snakes, to leopard geckom bearded dragons, and turtle. Probably the best starter species. (Bothriurus burmeisteri) (Oedura monolis) CB11 A small and very beautiful Asian species with a tail up to six times the length of its body. Long slender boas which keep their beautiful patterns into adulthood. Adult male available. (Lacerta viridis) Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. (Euprepiophis mandarinus) CB14 Female Grown on specimin available currently around 30". Beautiful pure white geckos! A fast lizard with amazing eyes! An attractive alternative to the standard Cali. Beautiful and docile beginners scorpion. Hi An intergrade between the everglades and yellow subspecies of ratsnake. (Elaphe shrenkii)CB11 A beautiful vegitarian lizard! (Epicrates cenchria) CB10 Hi I'm looking for adult/juvenile green tree pythons ideally females or pairs to add to my collection. (Tlitocatl albopilosus) Why shop Imperial? (Psalmopoeus pulcher) (Python regius) CB09 Baby . FOR FAST RESPONSE TEXT US AT 561-397-3977 BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE TEXT US FOR A BETTER PRICE! (Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni) CB12 A popular tortoise species which stays reasonably small and is easy to keep. An attractive tarantula usually displays black and white stripes. (Pantherophis guttata)CB11 Probably the best starter species. An amphibian with a unique lifestyle, with bags of character. (Python regius) CB09 An iconic spider species, a must have for any invert enthusiast! A very nice coloured and tempered specimin, adult male. (Hyla cinerea) Closely related to the famous Red Knee! Adult male. An attractive tortoise which can live outside in the British summer. Rated 10 times as a seller in a transaction, Gained 25 followers on their store profile, Gained 10 followers on their store profile, Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2022, Percent Positive: No new ratings in last 12 months, Based in the UK we have been breeding many species of Python and Boa for well over 30 years.We are currently keeping and breeding many of the most desirable and beautiful Python regius, exceptional locality and designer Green Tree Pythons, Emerald Tree Boas , Boa Constrictor Imperator and Python Brongersmai.We are also one of the few breeders that works extensively with the Madagascan Tree Boa (Sanzinia madagascariensis)We are always happy to hear from fellow enthusiasts.Rod & Kasia. (Theloderma Corticale)CB11 Baby Razorback Musk Turtles. Excellent feeder and nicely marked. A hybrid between the green horned frog and ornate horned frog. (Geochelone pardalis)CB19 Awsome Spiders with Great Personalities. CB12 Need to be seen to be truly appreciated! Beautiful blue frogs! Probably the best starter species. A gorgeus ratsnake, not often seen for sale! Buying a pet reptile doesn't have to be as quick as searching lizards for sale. A gorgeus snake, long term captive, has a damaged eye. (Chilobrachys dyscolus) 45 Emerald Tree Boa Facts (Guide to Both Species) Diet, Habitat, Babies Premium Live Boas direct from our state of the art breeding facility! A stunning High Red example! Nice looking with a bit of attitude! (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB12 The classic king snake! (Cophosaurus texanus) WC A large but placid lizard! A beautiful morph! Adult Ghost Motley Stripe - 69.99 (SOLD) (Pantherophis guttata) CB11 Probably the best starter species. Probably the best starter species. A large lizard with a beautiful blue sheen on its sides. Preston, Lancarshire. Boas | Outback Reptiles Probably the best starter species. A large and attractivly mottled species. (Theraphosa stirmi) (Elaphe carinata) CB11 Aru Green Tree Pythons. Selling due to focusing on new projects she is a beauty a wonderful animal an animal that depends on trust to be tamed, This advert is located in and around (Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis)CB14 (Cynops Spp) CB (Lasiodora parahybana) A stunning small frog! (Brachpelma klassi) Corn Snakes come in a huge variety of colours. A beautiful example of this colour morph not often seen. (Chamaeleo calyptratus) CB22 When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. The classic king snake! (Dyscophus guineti) CB16 Small size and great temperament make this species an excellent pet. And could deliver them my self if you live with in and hour drive from me Gorgeous little frogs. An interesting alternative to the Bull Frog, for those with limited space. Baby Red Tailed Green Ratsnake. Captive bred green tree pythons for sale. This species of snake has been commonly kept in the pet trade for 2 to 3 decades now, but as each year goes by, the amazon tree boa's popularity increases. Established Juvi - New world & docile. Juvinile 5-6cm - New world, large species! We like to know who we are talking to so we can properly address you and like to know where you are located so we can determine if delivery to you is possible and before we embark on discussing any potential sale.-PaymentsYou can pay by Credit / Debit card / PayPal and animals must be paid for in full and funds cleared prior to delivery being arranged.-Payment PlansWe appreciate that some of the snakes we offer for sale represent a sizeable purchase. A gorgeous python morph at an amazingly low price! (Python r.jampeanus) CB10 (Stenodactylus doriae) WC A gorgeous python morph at an amazingly low price! Price $244.99. A small docile rear fanged species. (Achatina fulica) CB (Gambelia wislizenii) CB14 A very beautiful small gecko which is rising in popularity! (Pantherophis obselatus quadrivittata) CB12 Red Jayapura Green Tree Python PHOTO PRINT from $44.95 Black Ratsnake PHOTO PRINT Very calm and steady. (Python regius) CB20 (Teratoscincus roborowski)WC Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. A beautiful and strikingly marked snake. The popular pet species!! Reverse stripe which gives a very unusual appearence. The northern and southern variations have a green background color. (Dendrobates tinctorius 'matecho') Very nicely coloured! A very attractive and not often seen alternative to the Kenyan Sand Boa. (Morelia spilotes cheynei) CB09 (Heterrixatus betsileo) WC A gorgeous Royal Python morph. A very attractive speckled kingsnake, not often seen! Kenyan Sand Boas are found living within sandy areas of East Africa. 2023 IMPERIAL REPTILES & EXOTICS. SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Lichanura . Very easy to keep. A small and very strikingly marked Asian ratsnake species. Quick view Details. Green tree pythons are found in Asia and Australia. Juvi - New world, can be skittish! The Snake Shed is a reptile shop based in Pembury village, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 4NY The worlds largest gecko species. Variable Kingsnakes are classed within the beginner species of snakes and are ideal for people new to keeping reptiles or for the younger generation as their first pet snake. Feed smaller meals as large meals cause regurgitation. (Ambystoma mexicanum)CB (Eublepharis macularius) CB13 (Pantherophis guttata) CB11 Probably the best starter species. (Sipyloidea sipylus) CB11 (Python regius) CB19 Log in to see your followed searches. A white patterned cornsnake with pink saddles and red eyes! Average Amazon Tree Boa Size. The mini plastic terrarium is ideal for keeping or raising many mini-beasts. This one has particularly bright colouration! (Leiolepis belliana) The Emerald Tree Boa is a 6 or 7 foot long emerald green tree dwelling snake species from tropical South Americanrain forests They are born either vivid yellow or brick red and gradually change to green as they mature, the green may or may not beinterspersedwith a white banding. The wholesale order minimum is 300$. Amazing banding and apricot colours! Most green tree pythons can be expected to live into their mid-teens with good . (Kassina Maculata) (Eublepharis macularius) CB20 (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli) CB14 Subscribe to our YouTube channel today! (Pantherophis guttata)CB17 Arboreal old world, (Psalmopoeus cambridgei) Feeding well on defrosted mice. Probably the best starter species. An attractive burrowing species. (Gonatodes albagulans) The amazon tree boa is becoming a more widely kept snake as the colour morphs are being expanded and some amazing colourations have been produced. Stunning bright red frogs! (Timon Pater) CB11 12cm. A beautifully coloured and marked boa! (Natrix tesselata) An amphibian with a unique lifestyle, with bags of character. A stunning example, new picture coming soon! (Peruphasma schultei) (Mabuya sp.) (Eublepharis macularius) CB19 (Archispirostreptus gigas) WC These are probably the most popular terrapin species. -EnquiriesIf you are enquiring about one of our animals please kindly ensure your user profile is complete.Messages received from user profiles that are devoid of basic information such as your name and location may unfortunately be declined. (Rhacodactylus ciliatus) CB13 (Gromphadorhina portentosa) CB Cornsnake with a difference!! (Polypedates leucomystax) WC Probably the best starter species. Bearded dragons are one of the most widely kept lizard species and make excellent kids pets.
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