Colavita Christmas Tree Farm never before had someone show up in early November looking to buy a tree for the holidaysuntil 2020, that is. US Christmas Tree Statistics Consumer Numbers, Americans' Fathers Day Spend To Top $20 Billion - US Father's Day Statistics 2022. 3-5-ft Noble Fir Real Christmas Tree. Also see: History He co-hosts the F1 podcast, Hard Compound, an American take on Formula 1. Beyond the decorative aspect, Engle said he believes the experience of buying a real treestomping through the mud, smelling the pine needlesoffers something many people are craving after months spent mostly in front a computer. National Christmas Tree Association's (NCTA) most recent consumer survey is from 2017 . Many years ago, a right jolly TIBCO data scientist created SPOTFIRE visualizations of Christmas tree sales in America, and now every year at this time we like to unwrap our favorite Christmas tree sales trends, exchange the latest consumer insights, and share what we find with you. dollars)." Adam Jones/Getty Images. National Christmas Tree Association. Average amount spent on real and fake Christmas trees in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019 (in U.S. dollars) [Graph]. Christmas trees are grown across the northern (colder) areas of the US, and these 10 states dominate the market: Trees harvested: 155,572 Farms: 737 Acres: 7,714 Sales: $4.89 million. There is not too much price difference; a real, medium-sized Christmas tree can cost around 15, while a fake tree of the same size can be around 20 on average. Such increases could peg the price of a Christmas tree close to $100 in 2022. well as a haven for wildlife - as that humble beginning led to over 350 million Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. and chronology of the Christmas tree and Christmas, How to Get a Christmas Tree for Less or Even for (close to) Free. are planted the following spring. The Christmas tree market is expected to reach a CAGR of around USD 5.61 billion by the end of the base year and is projected to register a CAGR of over 4.31% during the forecast period. David Engle, who runs Christmas-tree farm Arbutus Glen in Gambier, Ohio, also noticed a majority of his customers were millennials with small children. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. These are important trends for the industry to connect with and adapt to. Each year, Steigerwaldt sells thousands of Christmas trees. Because we know youve been good. U.S. sales days when most people do their holiday shopping 2020-2022, Sales days on which shoppers in the United States buy holiday presents from 2020 to 2022, Roughly how much money do you think you personally will spend on Christmas gifts this year? Christmas tree prices were described using a Hotelling-Faustmann model in 2001, the study showed that Christmas tree prices declined with age and demonstrated why more farmers do not price their trees by the foot. They are all planted by Christmas tree farmers. Making artificial Christmas trees is economically important for many Polish families with a sizeable number of fake trees exported to Slovakia and the Czech Republic. NCTA traditionally publishes other data projected from its consumer survey. Many people lost their jobs or saw their income decline significantly, particularly among those working in the travel, recreation and hospitality sectors. Copyright 2023 Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Christmas trees are grown for an average of eight to 10 years before they are cut down, and more than 350 million trees are currently growing on Christmas tree farms throughout the U.S, with only a fraction of that number being harvested each year. Leading reasons for buying gift cards as holiday gifts in the U.S. 2022, Leading reasons to purchase gift cards as holiday gifts in the United States in 2022, In-store vs. online holiday shopping plans in the U.S. 2015-2022, Holiday shopping plans among consumers in the United States from 2015 to 2022, by channel, Intended holiday shopping timeline of U.S. consumers 2021-2022, When consumers are intending to begin holiday shopping in the United States in 2021 and 2022, Expected social media usage in holiday shopping in the U.S. 2011-2022, Expected use of social media in holiday shopping in the United States from 2011 to 2022, What influences purchase decisions when holiday shopping in the U.S. 2022, Influences on purchase decisions when shopping in the United States during the holiday season 2022, Worries over holiday season stock-outs among U.S. consumers in 2022, Level of concern among consumers about stock-outs during the holiday season in the United States in 2022, Worries over holiday season shipping delays among U.S. consumers in 2022, Level of concerns among consumers about shipping delays over the holiday season in the United States in 2022, Planned expenditure for Christmas decorations in the United States 2022, Planned expenditure for Christmas decorations in the United States in 2022, Christmas tree: planned spending among U.S. consumers 2022, by generation, Planned christmas tree expenditure among U.S. consumers in 2022, by generation, Christmas tree: plans among U.S. consumers 2022, Christmas tree: plans among U.S. consumers in 2022, Christmas tree: plans among U.S. consumers 2022, by age group, Christmas tree: plans among U.S. consumers in 2022, by age group, Purchase channels for Christmas decorations in the U.S., UK, and Germany 2022, Purchase channels for Christmas decorations in the U.S., UK, and Germany in 2022. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Research expert covering apparel industry and general merchandise. October 30, 2020. var dateModified = document.lastModified; does not charge either farmers or consumers! Most are delivered to wholesalers across the country, from California to Florida. the artificial trees sold worldwide are manufactured in China, As a Premium user you get access to background information and details about the release of this statistic. All rights reserved. The most common Christmas tree species are balsam fir, Douglas fir, Fraser fir, noble fir, Scots pine, Virginia pine and white pine. If you observed that visualization is a treemap of trees, you earned a little something extra in your stocking. . Compare this with the. Real Christmas Trees are favoured in many of the country's largest cities, including London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Cardiff. Use Ask Statista Research Service, *Fake tree data not provided by the source for 2019, Most popular national and religious holidays in the United States 2022, Average spending on Christmas gifts in the U.S. 2000-2022, Holiday retail sales in the United States 2002-2022, Intended holiday shopping timeline of U.S. consumers 2021-2022. 5.4 million. In 2019, over 26 million real Christmas trees were purchased, thirty-two percent coming from choose and cut-you-own farms. Sometimes, you get socks. Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. (in U.S. dollars), Holiday gifts to be bought by consumers in the United States in 2021 and 2022, by category, Parents spending on Christmas gifts per child in the United States 2022. 36,345,732 real Christmas trees were sold. Some 71% of those surveyed expect to raise the wholesale prices they charge retailers by 5% to 15% compared to last year. Disclaimer North American Real Christmas Trees are grown in all 50 states and Canada. The Virginia pine, despite its name, is a popular choice for people in the Deep South. Copy. for pricing and availability. And did you know the last time a non-fir was chosen for the official White House Christmas tree was back in 1996? There are close to 15,000 farms growing Christmas Trees in the U.S., and over 100,000 people are employed full or part-time in the industry. PANOLA COUNTY, Texas (KTRE) - Christmas is rapidly approaching with many trees going up. Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, go-to retailer for holiday season shoppers, they were intending to start their shopping in October, average amount people in the United States believed they would spend, consumers cited inflation as their main concern, many Christmas season staples such as stationery and gift wraps. . That was the birth of a huge industry - as (The Guardian) Decorating the Tree The first manufactured Christmas tree ornaments appeared in Woolworths in 1880. In, National Christmas Tree Association. and non-profit groups make up the other half. Oregon still produces the most Christmas trees, followed by North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Trees harvested: 4,714,298 Farms: 1,431 Acres: 45,283 Sales: $120.68 million. Michigan. His writing includes video scripts, blog posts, social media, and market analysis. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date Christmas Trees were added to the federal agriculture census in 1997, when the responsibility for census shifted from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Dollars). Master list of all recipes (most popular are below), Pumpkin pie from a fresh pumpkin! A year later, the number grew to 32.8 million. Christmas tree details were asked for all operations with at least $10,000 in cut Christmas sales for the first time for the . Christmas trees are up already - and so are sales. Privacy Policy Find My Store. There are about 350,000 acres in production for growing Christmas Trees in the U.S.; much of it preserving green space. "Average Amount Spent on Real and Fake Christmas Trees in The U.S. from 2010 to 2019 (in U.S. It takes 7 to 10 years to grow a . Since a large number of additional trees to sell in 2020 were simply not available, the number of trees sold during the season did not increase. how many real christmas trees were sold in 2020. fast and furious eclipse purple . Digging a bit deeper, we see that the Midwest likes keeping it real. The Christmas tree tradition was brought to the US in the 19th century by German Lutheran immigrants to Pennsylvania. This combination gave the impression that a surge in demand for real Christmas trees was occurring. More than 100,000 people are employed by the Christmas tree industry and more than350 million trees are grown on more than 15,000 tree farms in the US. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "U.S. Christmas season" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. 15,000 Christmas tree farmers across the US grow these trees, making up about 295,162 acres. Source: Statistics Canada, International Accounts and Trade Division. And 2019 was down slightly from previous years (27.4 million Wayback Machine: 2007 Copyright Benivia, LLC 2008-2023 However, we also provide links on the site to information resources for which we receive no compensation. Apple pie - with a crumb topping - world's best apple pie! Get them all here at the best prices on the internet! Sitemap. The estimated 2020 figure was . Are Real Christmas Trees Better For The Earth? Trees harvested: 4,031,864 Farms: 854 Acres: 38,893 Sales: $86.83 million. FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. commercial tree farms are busy sucking up carbon from the The ultimate fake tree - made of Mountain Dew cans. The seedlings grew, and in 1908, customers came to the Those copying content from this website and publishing it will be vigorously legally prosecuted. Both Farmer and O'Connor noted that demand for real trees went up in 2020 when people were pent up at home during the pandemic holiday season and looking to foster a little Christmas cheer. . North Carolina. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. How many Christmas trees are sold each year 2020? Access to this and all other statistics on 80,000 topics from, Show sources information While roughly the same number of real (26m) and fake (25m) trees were sold last year, the cumulative purchasing of fake trees has encroached on real trees' market share. There are about 350,000 acres of Christmas trees growing in the U.S. Currently, you are using a shared account. weather, etc. Lets take a closer look at the stats and the Christmas tree facts that drive this seasonal spending. here, Easter egg Hunts, Children's Consignment Sales, Local Farm Markets and other types of Farms, click here, North Carolina, 5.4 million trees annually, Big Box Store (Walmart, Home Depot, Loews, etc.) A handful of the customers he spoke to were converts from artificial trees who wanted to switch things up this year as a way to do something special. Get full access to all features within our Business Solutions. how many real christmas trees were sold in 2020. Just click the button Source: USDA Economic Research Service Homes For Sale Moniteau School District, Articles H