Once discovered, like Paul Revere speeding through the streets of Massachusetts, active and retired US soldiers frantically and immediately spread the warning from one end of the country to the other. Interview. From Title 10 US Code the President may use the militia or Armed Forces to: 331 - Suppress an insurrection against a State government at the request of the Legislature or, if not in session, the Governor. They've already turned the majority of Americans against human rights for safety instead and made them dependent on government instead of being independent individuals or family units. In reality, the question, would you fire on unarmed American citizens was put to Navy Seals, US Marines, Army Delta troops and who knows how many others by now. There also may be some restrictions as a non-citizen. Has the US Army ever Fired on American Citizens Asia - Pacific S.Korean military ups readiness to counter N.Korea's 'provocation' ahead of drills with US Military prepared to fire artillery shots into 'buffer zones' in North as deterrent if . Also, it wasnt just asked to a few hundred Marines as some of the anti-conspiracy sites erroneously report. In 2017, hepleaded guilty to both chargesand was sentenced to a dishonorable discharge, a reduction in rank and a fine. Samuel Robert Ludwick on Twitter If every one of the15,860+ people on our daily mailing listgave $4.50, we would reach our goal immediately. Places like East Liverpool and Cohoes are the destinations of AFFF that we can track. DeSantis, US Sending $400M Worth of Ammo, Rockets, Armored Bridges. The military also withdrew typical documentation requirements of hazardous waste, noting in the contract that incinerators will not be required to provide Certificates of Disposal/Destruction. When it came to burning AFFF, the Pentagon didnt want to know what was really going on at these incinerators. So now you have a country, Afghanistan, that Biden agreed to desert, stocked with billions of dollars in American weapons, left there on purpose by Biden, and Taliban soldiers who were released by Obama and Biden now running that new government. FROM THE HILL: Obama remains extremely popular with the Democratic base, and his return to the White House comes as Biden has struggled to boost his poll numbers in the face of a flurry of challenges, most notably soaring inflation. OK, so this one didn't actually happen but it damn well could have. And, because AFFF is a forever chemical that doesnt break down, that pollution could likely plague communities for generations. Communities witnessing this environmental catastrophe first-hand demand justice and accountability. In 2019, U.S. military expenditure increased by almost 5.3% to $732 billion. The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens. Nearly 20,000 World War I veterans came to Washington to demand bonus payments. In addition to English language questions, the test includes civics questions about American government, history, geography, symbols, and holidays. Residents call it what it is: environmental racism. Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US | US military Would The US Military Fire On American Citizens? Garrows claim is even more explosive given that the country is in the throes of a national debate about gun control, with gun rights advocates keen to insist that the founders put the second amendment in the Constitution primarily as a defense against government tyranny. Last week,Gloversville Mayor Dayton King warnedthat any federal gun confiscation program could lead to a Waco-style standoff in rural areas of America. Your author was also smack dab in the middle of this one and was one of the many, many Americans frantically making black and white photocopies and warning as many unsuspecting people as means would allow. Since 2017, two of the contracted incinerators were out of compliance with some environmental laws 100% of the time according to the EPA (Clean Harbors incinerator in Nebraska, Clean Harbors Aragonite in Utah), two were out of compliance 75% of the time (Norlite incinerator in New York, Heritage WTI incinerator in Ohio), and the remaining two were out of compliance 50% of the time (Reynolds Metals incinerator in Arkansas, Clean Harbors incinerator in Arkansas). The survey alarmed some of the Marines and copies soon started being circulated among gun rights supporters. People who wish to naturalize as U.S. citizens have to pass a U.S. citizenship test. The law prohibits the use of the military in civilian matters but, over time, Congress has passed at least 26 exemptions to the act that allow the president to send troops into states. On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of deadly force in confronting dissidents on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, Warning shot will not be fired.. To listen to the whole radio interview between Infowars Alex Jones and retired Navy Seal Ben Smith, visit Infowars.com. HR-2454 or the "Cap and Trade Bill" Could Require A License To Sell Your Naturalization Through Military Service. Question asking if Soldiers would fire on Americans back. The two also recorded a Zoom conversation last summer to promote sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act. Taliban Soldiers Released By Obama And Biden In 2014 Are Key Members In New Government Slated To Celebrate Inauguration On September 11th. Bidenhas recounted that he told his former partner not to endorse him in the race, but sources close to the former president say that never happened. The case began, as many do, with an act of Congress. As my students and I gathered together scattered shipping manifests, tracked down details about incineration facilities and nearby communities, and started to get our head around the toxic fallout of the burning AFFF, this militarized operation gained a new definition: gross negligence. (The Department of Defense has active remediation plans at a small fraction of those sites.) An influential interstate environmental council refused to endorse burning AFFF last year, noting incineration is still an active area of research., Nor was such hesitation restricted to environmental agencies. While Biden campaigned on being the popular presidents vice president, he has kept a distance as president. Would the American military fire on its own citizens if ordered to Travel Restrictions Fact Sheet - U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Canada Citizenship and Immigration . GREAT GAIA: Pope Francis Commands Catholics To Listen To The Voice Of Creation, Undoes Genesis 1 Saying Man Does Not Have Authority Over Earth. Demographics insure that the Democrats will get . March 15, 2010 There were more than one hundred dead and wounded, including children and babies,in 1932 when US troops dispersed a camp of WW1 veterans demanding only what had been promised them. From Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Colorado Springs, Colorado, the last decade has witnessed communities near military bases waking up to a nightmare of PFAS contamination in their water, their soil and their blood. Top Military News. From: "John Perna" johnperna@compuzone.net Reply-To: theeagle-l@yahoogroups.com To: "John Birch Discuss" JBirch@yahoogroups.com Subject: I Would Fire Upon US Citizens: 63% of USMC with less than 10 years service say yes Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:49:50 -0500 United Nations Questionnaire for all active & reservist military personnel. Mixing shoddy burn operations with fire-resistant toxicity, this multi-million-dollar debacle did not so much eradicate the militarys AFFF problem as redistribute it. But sadly, many will not give, so we need the ones who can and who will give to be generous. In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. In 2019, DOD admitted those numbers were under-counted. The Environmental Working Groups popular map of PFAS contamination puts the current number of polluted military sites at 704, a number that continues to rise. The Army's members are its soldiers. Make no mistake about it. Press Releases - United States Department of State The Truth:Dr. Garrow told TruthOrFiction.Com that he did post this information on his Facebook page, which was passed on to him by an anonymous source. Biden andObamawill promote the Affordable Care Act, the former presidents signature piece of legislation during his time in office. Cunningham didnt simply make up the question, would you fire on US citizens out of thin air. The woke takeover of the US military endangers us all - New York Post Terrifying J. Garrow Interview: Obama Asks Military to Fire on As generous as possible. Residents started asking the WTI Heritage Incinerator about AFFF last year. Climate change will force far harsher changes on our kids. READ MORE. There is a litmus test where officers from the Generals down to Lieutenant Generals down to Majors down to Sergeants, Master Sergeants will you fire on US citizens? FROM THE NY POST: The four members of the so-called Taliban Five who have joined the new government are Acting Director of Intelligence Abdul Haq Wasiq, Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs Norullah Noori, Deputy Defense Minister Mohammad Fazl, and Acting Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhah. Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine - The White House This winter, I partnered with citizens groups and national advocates to compile and publish all available data on the incineration of AFFF. According to AP, South Sudan blamed the attack on renegade troops in control of the breakaway region. Despite the assessments recommending continued detention for the five, President Barack Obamasigned off on an agreementthat sprang the men from Gitmo in exchange for the release of Bergdahl, who had been taken captive by the Taliban after walking away from an observation post in Paktika province in June 2009. Could The US Citizens Fight Off The US Military? Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia Instead of paychecks East Liverpool got some of the worst pollution in the US. As we now know, exposure to trace amounts of these forever chemicals is strongly linked to a host of cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility. As the US Armed Forces became the largest consumer of AFFF in the world, troubling questions about what happens after the fire were brushed aside. By M. Ernest Smith msmith181@columbus.rr.com (for henrymakow.com) The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled "Executive Order United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use. US citizenship, and who is considered a citizen, is a complex topic. Over the past four years, residents told me of paint peeling from their cars and waking some nights to searing pain in their eyes. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. Some 5.5m pounds of AFFF, 40% of militarys stockpile, was sent to fuel-blending facilities where it was mixed into fuels for industrial use. Here are 5 Features a Person in the Market for a Car Needs to Consider During their Search. Political Debauchery! Bergdahl has sinceappealed to a federal court in a bid to get his conviction overturned. November 4, 2013. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Now Obama is at the White House today to check on the progress of how his third term is going, and to see what he can do to spruce it up a little as we edge closer to the 2022 Midterms. So with foreign troops and foreign officers being ruled out, the question kept coming back, Would US soldiers fire on unarmed US citizens if given the order to?. Navy Seabee Battalion . While the notorious survey question has been floating around for 20 years, so have various versions of the results of the survey. When you add to that the mess in Afghanistan, the mess with COVID, and the soon-coming mess at the border when Title 42 is removed in May, you have yourself a mess that not even Obama can make look pretty. Military Daily News, Military Headlines | Military.com And if you say no, youre sent to the worst hell hole, or basically kicked out. Ukraine is calling on its citizens to join the fight against Russia, and its military says all they need is ID. Obamais expected to return to the White House again in the coming months at the unveiling of presidential portraits of himself and former first lady Michelle Obama. Even all the way to South Africa. Four of the five Taliban members released from Guantanamo Bayby Obama Biden administration now running new government in Afghanistan 9/11. The Most Violent Insurrection in American History - HISTORY If you live in the United States, its possible it might have been burned in your community. Edward Snowden: Leaks that exposed US spy programme - BBC News As new data published by Bennington College this week documents, the US military ordered the clandestine burning of over 20m pounds of AFFF and AFFF waste between 2016-2020. In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for "Civil Disturbance Operations" dating from 2006. FROM BREITBART NEWS: Obama is expected to deliver a keynote address as part of Dear Earth, which will include 100 minutes highlighting how we should be solving climate problems, and will be sprinkled with musical performances, according to YouTube Originals. When Bill Clinton moved into the White House in January 1993, the US was already grappling internally with creating rules for US military involvement in UN peacekeeping missions. In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for "Civil Disturbance Operations" (PDF) dating from 2006. Jan. 12, Athens, Greece: the U.S. embassy is fired on by an anti-tank missile causing damage but no injuries. The oath administered to new Officers:I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. We didnt get any answers, Alonzo Spencer told me. Refusing to become fuel, this herculean bond overpowers and tames even the most incendiary infernos. But dont be too hard on Kenyan Barack Obama as he engages in his real religion, Gaia, hes only following the Roman Catholic pope who preaches and teaches the same damnable gospel. Obamahas remained out of the spotlight since leaving the White House in 2017, only reemerging in key moments during the Trump andBidenadministrations. Kampala - Rebel fire reportedly hit two US military aircraft responding to the outbreak in violence in South Sudan on Saturday, wounding three US service members and heavily damaging at least one of the aircraft, officials said. The veterans were desperate. Gen. MacArthur ordered U.S. troops to In 2012, the United States and Afghanistan concluded the Strategic Partnership Agreement to strengthen our bilateral relationship, support Afghanistan's capabilities as a partner, and improve the lives of the Afghan people. But Rwanda denies this and says it is being scapegoated for Congo's military incompetence. And it will be a good event and a good speech as one always gets from Obama. But Vale cautioned that no one should be anticipatingObamamagically solving all of our problems.. In the event you don't think the US Military would take a stand against citizens, read a little History The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest organized armed uprising in American labor history and led almost directly to the labor laws currently in effect in the United States of America. Is anyone surprised by this? )Mother Earth! In fact, there is good reason to believe that burning AFFF simply emits these toxins into the air and onto nearby communities, farms, and waterways. Introduced during the Vietnam War to combat petroleum fires on naval ships and air strips, AFFF was the whizz kid of chemical engineering that forged a synthetic molecular bond stronger than anything known in nature. 02:17 AM (GMT) A Palestinian gunman has killed two Israelis in their car in the occupied West Bank, sparking violence in which a Palestinian man was shot dead as Israeli settlers torched homes in . How to Become an American Citizen - Boundless: A Modern Immigration Company Among those aghast at the price paid for Bergdahls return was Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who told CBS Face the Nation that the Taliban Five were thehardest of the hard-core and the highest high-risk people. In 2015, Bergdahl wascharged by the military with desertionwith intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and one count of misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of his fellow soldiers. So "troops" in this context must be identified properly. Report busts News Outlets pushing War for Profit, NY Stop and Frisk Ruling blocked, Judge removed, SHADE the Motion Picture exposes Metallic Chemtrails. While the two presidents share a close bond over their mutual history in the Senate and later in the White House, a quiet tension has also existed. Some people may be considered US citizens and not become aware of it until later in life. In 2021, Barack Obama who never mentions his Christian faith not one in a hundred times is now the keynote speaker for a Gaia celebration of the one who gave birth to us, the one and only(drumroll please!! Dr. Jim Garrow Claims Obama Asked Military Leaders If They Will "Fire The United States and South Korea will conduct more than 10 days of large-scale military exercises in March, including amphibious landings, officials from the two countries said on Friday. of the Myler Ski resort near Aparan is operational, and many people are already trying it out! The Infographics Show 12.8M subscribers 50K 2.8M views 3 years ago Today we are revolting against the government, and the military has come. The answer to that is yes, and it would not be that hard. But as we warned 20 years ago, even 20% represents 400,000 US soldiers willing to shoot unarmed US citizens if ordered to. The 2006 document outlines how military assets will be used to help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law. Instead, Dr. Martin Luther King, the greatest civil rights leader America has ever known, was assassinated in 1968- supposedly by a garden variety racist named James Earl Ray but who really knows When it was built in 1993, residents were told this mammoth incineration could help stem the exodus of factory jobs. 2016 www.independentsentinel.com. Now go the other way. During the 2016 presidential race, Biden and his team were frustrated byObamas push for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be his successor. The EPA has issued a total of 65 enforcement actions against these six incinerators in the past five years alone. NY Times Predicted Bail Out in 1999-Truth! The first ski lift (of the planned 16!) Wasiq, Fazl and Khairkhah all held positions in the former Taliban government Wasiq as a deputy intelligence chief, Fazl as army chief of staff and Khairkhah as interior minister. It handles significant ground combat missions, especially operations that are ongoing. Weve all had to adapt to cope with a pandemic, the ex-president wrote on Twitter. Bennett noted the potential added benefit that popular and talented former presidents can really help the incumbent craft and carry a message. One White House official downplayed any political aspects of bringingObamainto the White House, saying the former president has championed the law informally bearing his name for years and it made sense for him to be there to promote new efforts to strengthen the legislation. Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder ofThe Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from gendercide in China. House- Legislation in Process. While you have to be a United State citizen to become an officer in the Air Force, it is not required for some enlisted jobs. Would The US Military Fire On American Citizens? "WAR DECLARED ON AMERICAN & WORLD CITIZENS #RUSSIA - #CHINA - #IRAN - #SYRIA - #NORTHKOREA - #SCO - #BRICS BY The PSYCHOPATHIC Military Industrial Complex/The United States Government, a U.S. Military Contract (See Profile for Our Contracts & Testimony" Your author remembers one report saying that only one in five US soldiers answered in the affirmative, that they would fire on US citizens while in the process of confiscating their firearms. China increased its military spending . This time, he appeared on Infowars with Alex Jones. Remember way back when Barack Obama was trying to convince people to vote for him, how he would always talk about his white mother and his Christian faith? Would US Troops Fire on Americans? Military Force Against Americans Targeting or detaining Americans Next: Commander in Chief Power The Context After the Sept. 11 attacks, an American citizen who had been arrested in Chicago and. pic.twitter.com/HbJVMAsFHt, RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 8, 2021, According toassessments written in 2008 by leadership at Guantanamo Bay and later made public by WikiLeaks, Wasiq utilized his office to support [al Qaeda] and to assist Taliban personnel elude capture and was central to the Talibans efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against U.S. and Coalition forces in the early days of the Afghanistan war. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. In 1993, the question was asked to US Marines two years before the official story says it was asked. As far as were aware, none have ever been officially verified. Question asking if Soldiers would fire on Americans back Those discussions were widely taking place in 1992, three years before the notorious survey question is officially reported as having been administered. Obama Purging Military for Not Shooting Citizens | Snopes.com The former president has not visited the White House sinceBidentook office, including privately, two sources said. Join the Military - USA.gov The special will also feature left-wing pop star Billie Eilish, South Korean K-pop group Blackpink, Jaden Smith, the Muppets, and SpongeBob SquarePants, among others. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. They just dont seem to have any incentive to be truthful about what theyre doing to this community, he said. All of us should follow the young people whove led the efforts to protect our planet for generations, and demand more of our leaders at every level. Military | USCIS The US military is poisoning communities across the US with toxic Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had been involved in a non-combat role, through the Only thing scarier than the question is the response. As Bergdhal returned to the United States, the Taliban Five were flown to Qatar, where much of the Talibans political leadership resided at the time. 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administrations litmus test for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens. The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens. By the end of 2030, Myler is planned to be the region's biggest ski resort with a staying capacity of up to 30 000 visitors! Soldier, would you shoot a citizen? - 1215.org When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2 (KJB). Quantify, youre saying people in the community, the special warfare community, are saying they have been brought into litmus test meetings? Bonus Army marchers confront the police 28 July 1932. In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. US military bases at home and abroad encouraged the promiscuous spraying of AFFF in routine drills while firefighters were told it was as safe as soap. Those who will not are being removed. At this point, no one either in the Republican or Democratic party has any illusions that Joe Biden is anything more than a cypher placed there by the New World Order to facilitate the complete destruction of America. Garrow's claims it came from an unnamed source in the military. Residents attend an open training organized . The government also appears to have taken seriously its pledge to not put US soldiers under the command of foreign officers, even those of our closest allies. By all accounts, the Pentagon is endangering the lives of countless people through its reckless handling of AFFF. The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Set To Open And Will Serve As The International Headquarters Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam, The Headquarters For Chrislam, The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi, Is Now Nearly Complete And Should Be Operational In Just A Few Weeks, On Sunday November 13th, Get Ready For The Chrislam Climate Repentance Ceremony On Mount Sinai In Egypt As The United Nations Holds COP27. The below exchanged aired on October 22, 2013 on the Alex Jones Show radio program as well as Infowars Nightly News: Ben Smith: Going back to the beginning of this administration, Ive had friends within the community talking about how they were brought in and questioned with people from more towards the top side and the questioning resulted in, kind of, where it was pointing was, Do you feel comfortable disarming American citizens. And you can see that now with the shedding of a lot of the officers and stuff like that. For example, a state governor can mobilize National Guard troops to support local law enforcement in times of civil strife. Peer-Reviewed Study Evidence: mRNA Is Not Safe or Effective, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Might Challenge Joe Biden for Democrat Nomination, Bidens FAA Nominee Knew Absolutely Nothing, Biden SPOX Cant Understand Why TN Went After Drag Shows. Despite AFFFs extraordinary resistance to fire, incineration quietly became the militarys preferred method to handle AFFF. It is regarding a statement released on Garrow's Facebook page that said that President Obama is using a new litmus test for his military leaders, asking if they will follow orders and fire on US citizens. Related Operation Mongoose proposals [ edit] After the briefest moment of practical utility, PFAS compounds come to haunt life with roving mobility, torpid toxicity, and a monstrous immortality.
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