1. the nurse responds: "It must be very frustrating to encounter this kind of attitude." Select all that apply Dr. Frankenstein had seen himself as a(n) ?\underline{? They are more direct when discussing issues (men focus on issues and discuss them more directly and readily than women do), 20. A nurse is teaching a client about the physical effects of chemotherapy. The charge nurse on each unit needs to prepare a list of possible discharges or transfers to be given to the appropriate primary healthcare providers for further action. 32-36, Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing, Final Exam Review -Missed QuestionsE5-Multi. d. Explain the procedure to the client if they do not understand, c. Lock the medication in a room and finish preparing it after returning from the emergency (securing them and returning later to finishing preparing and administering them decreases the risk of medication errors), 72. This service focuses on teaching the primary caregiver to meet the client's needs A nurse is assessing a client who is experiencing prostatic hypertrophy. Hormone replacement does not affect the immune system and, therefore, this nurse is not at risk for infection from CMV exposure. The client is reporting anxiety, discomfort, and a feeling of bloating. b. Negligence There is a trailing zero after the prescribed dose. Providing hygiene care to a client who is HIV positive A skill for which the ap has received instruction the - Course Hero A nurse is caring for a client who is immobile. Which of the following infection-control precautions should the nurse use caring for this client? Flexible hours allow clients and families to spend more quality time together, increasing positive outcomes and satisfaction. Monitor for behavioral changes. which of the following actions should the nurse perform? The client states, "I am so nervous about what the doctor might find during the test." d. There is no blood return when the tubing is aspirated, c. I will cover the catheter so he cannot see it (using stockinette or clothing to cover the IV insertion site is an appropriate distraction technique and might steer the client's attention away from the catheter), 62. The assignment process requires constant evaluation and reevaluation of information and priorities. c. Visual observation for nonverbal signs of pain d. I shouldn't advice you about what is ultimately a personal decision, b. 2. The spouse can rescind the Advance Directive if the client becomes unresponsive. Incorrect: The charge nurse should first obtained the needed information and then decide whether to notify the nursing supervisor. Tenderness over the symphysis pubis A nurse enters an older adult client's room to insert a saline lock. Client with ureterolithiasis who requires frequent PRN pain medication. b. Which tasks should the charge nurse complete at the end of the shift before leaving for the day? Performing passive range of motion (ROM) on the client with right sided paralysis. Notify the surgeon that the client wishes to withdraw informed consent for the procedure Read all the current literature related to oral care on unresponsive clients. Use adult diapers to prevent frequent clothing changes e. Talking with the client's partner, 79. Most likely, the clients will be aware of the disaster already, and further information could be confusing or frightening. Client diagnosed with Crohn's disease who had three semi-formed stools over the past shift. The women's health charge nurse is making assignments for the next shift. Open communication and brainstorming sessions in which staff can freely share thoughts or ideas creates a positive work environment while helping decrease dissatisfaction. Lisinopril 20.0 mg PO daily e. The urge to move the legs when trying to sleep, 66. A nurse is caring for a client who has a hip fracture that requires surgical repair. The unit is short one staff member and will receive a nurse from the medical surgical unit. Serve food that have a hot/cold balance The client was lying on the floor next to his bed Protective a. Temporary urinary retention Which task would be appropriate for the nurse to assign to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? c. Holds the soiled linen against her body while carrying it to the linen bag Correct: Positive feedback is an effective communication tool that improves the workplace environment and encourages individual achievement, particularly in challenging situations. Simply accept the assignment since overtime is mandatory. For which of the following actions should the nurse intervene? A nurse is caring for an older client who is at risk for skin breakdown. This is a diabetic clinic. d. They disclose more personal information, a. 8 Steps for Making Effective Nurse-Patient Assignments Incorrect: Discussing the assignment with another LPN is delaying the client's needed intervention. The nurse should not be assigned to provide care if impairment is suspected. 2. _________________ (magnanimous), a. generous 3. Nursing Brain Sheet 4 Patients - luoe.expertoendermatologia.es Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that has been ordered as a titrated drip to slow heart rate and restore a regular rhythm. Only the state Board of Nursing can legally determine the LPN's scope of practice. Draining the colostomy bag on a client with diarrhea. e. Dysuria, 49. Incorrect: Discharging a client includes teaching and a review of medications to be taken at home. d. 216, 22. Elevating the head of the bed 30- 40 for the client post thoracotomy & 5. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the client prior to the procedure? Which of the following actions should this nurse take? d. Apply antiembolic stockings, d. I will place a bath seat in my shower to use when I bathe, 44. What task would be appropriate for a nurse caring for a client diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux to delegate to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? The Charge Nurse will lead or direct licensed and non-professional staff in the delivery of direct Resident care and support functions. Which of the following of Erikson's developmental stages should the nurse consider in the planning? Client who requires teaching about the use of a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump. (Select all that apply.). d. I decline this opportunity at this time, b. Incorrect: The client with fibromyalgia is reporting a pain level that needs to be addressed and the client will likely require pain medications. Nurses dependent on drugs or alcohol can harm clients. Talk to each nurse about concerns related to assigned clients. 4. A nurse is caring for a client who frequently attempts to remove his IV catheter. Splitting the overtime shift is an acceptable option that the nurse could suggest in order to solve the staffing problem and decrease the amount of time the nurse will be working. a. Client with chronic emphysema experiencing mild shortness of breath. Two nurses lifting the client under the shoulders So, this client who is receiving PRN pain medication is certainly someone that the LPN could be assigned to. 4. The first vital sign check was performed by the nurse. d. When asking if the client took his medications this morning, 82. Correct: The best first action for the nurse is to identify a problem, and follow up with the appropriate person. a. When asking the client about his receptiveness to the transfer Client two days post percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement. nursing brain nurse sheets night documentation hour rotation sheet icu care assessment charting plan nurses assignment patient shift report rn. Receive report from the emergency department (ED) on a new client. Find a mentor Most nurses learn to make nurse-patient assign-ments from a colleague. & 6. This individual should be provided appropriate comments of appreciation for this accomplishment. Because a scope is inserted through the urethra for this procedure, the client may experience burning or frequency immediately following this test. 1. A nurse identifies a pressure ulcer after a client had a long, extensive recovery following a surgical procedure. Client to receive dietary education. On an ongoing basis, the charge nurse evaluates individual and collective outcomes of the patient care provided during their shift, compares patient care delivery to accepted standards, adjusts assignment of resources as necessary, and reports changing needs and outcomes to the health care staff. 1. d. Arguing, a. I'll apply ankle to my ankle today and tomorrow (the RICE acronym outlines how to treat an ankle sprain: rest, ice, compression, elevation), 16. M2.4 Making Client Care Assignments - GECC As the RN charge nurse, you are preparing to make assignments for the oncoming shift on the medical-surgical unit. However, this client would not need to be seen prior to the client with potential neurovascular compromise from a cast that is too tight. 3. Incorrect: The nurse retains the responsibility for the delegated task. A nurse is instructing a client who has a new diagnosis of Raynaud's disease about preventing the onset of manifestations. Client who is a diabetic experiencing diabetic neuropathy. Client who received blunt abdominal trauma in a motor vehicle accident who is reporting a worsening of the abdominal pain. Incorrect: When a unit is very busy, the nurse should rely on the UAP if the person is competent to perform the tasks. a. A client with fibromyalgia reporting generalized pain of 7 out of 10. b. b. They are able to manage tasks related to basic care. Incorrect: The client will need IV access for sedation during the procedure and will need the fluid for hydration since the client is NPO. Who should the nurse see first? a. c. Use intermittent eye contact Encourage the client to use self-exploration 2. In what order should the nurse assess assigned clients following shift report? a. a. I will begin 48 hr before the client's discharge Two hours after other trays were picked up from the rooms, the nurse notes that the client's untouched tray is still at the bedside. Incorrect: The concern here is the client being fed their meal. Provide positive feedback to the UAP. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Leadership which client would be an appropriate care assignment for this lpn? c. I'll wear low heeled shoes from now on Provides day to day direction and supervision to assigned direct patient care staff. d. Water heater temp 54.4 C (130 F) d. Remove tea and coffee from meal trays, b. 4. Client diagnosed with inoperative brain tumor who is confused. 1. Select all that apply 1. b. Wash the tablet off with alcohol and place it in a clean medicine cup 4., & 5. Complete a neurological check (appropriate nursing intervention when a client displays sudden confusion). Compartment syndrome could be developing which can impede circulation and cause nerve damage. d. I'll put a heating pad on my ankle at bedtime tonight, d. I have a set of my brothers' crutches in the basement I can also use (the client should not use crutches that belong to someone else; the crutches must fit body dimensions), 17. Once the client is stable, the UAP could perform this task. 2. 3. A nurse is prioritizing care for two clients at the start of the shift. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? Client who has multiple injuries from a motor vehicle accident. The nurse voices his concern to the charge nurse. The nurse is caring for four clients. There is a possibility that a hypothermia blanket may be prescribed. Determining the client's length of stay a. 1. b. This is normal for clients with hemorrhoids. Incorrect: The client does need to have food; however, there is another action that should be performed first. Which of the following tasks should the nurse plan to delegate to assistive personnel (AP)? However, providing care for missing teeth would also be within the LPN scope of practice. Assist a client to ambulate using a gait belt. In the following sentences, circle each incorrectly used lowercase letter. 1. Richied5864 Richied5864 . Document what the nurse believes was the cause of the ulcer development b. 2. Did you recognize ureterolithiasis as "kidney stones"? 2. Personal liability coverage is not mandatory, but you should consider purchasing your own coverage, 87. The charge nurse tells a nurse that multiple sick calls from the upcoming shift has occurred. b. Summarization a charge nurse is making client care assignments for the day. which So, now you must decide which of these high priority clients should be seen in what order. 3. Which of the following health care professionals is responsible for obtaining informed consent from the client for the procedure? Provide an adaptive feeding device for the client A copy of select parts of the medical recording, according to facility policy, is another form of communication that will support continuity of care. 4. d. Mask, 83. 3. Fundamentals Practice Flashcards | Quizlet Irrigate a client's ear canal. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client needs further instruction? 3. 1. b. A nurse just back from maternity leave. The third client that should be assessed by the nurse is the client diagnosed with hemorrhoids who had some spotting of bright red blood on toilet tissue with last bowel movement. Which of the following client statements should indicate to the nurse the need for additional teaching? Which of the following info should the nurse include? This client needs ongoing monitoring which is within the scope of practice for the LPN. 3. Education 5. The abdominal pain is worsening. Turning off continuous tube feeding to reposition a client, then turning the feeding back on. 2. 1. 1. Observe the client before taking further actions c. Decreased sodium excretion 208 28 week gestation of bed rest, postpartum with HELLP syndrome, breast reconstruction. Have another nurse guard the medication preparations until the nurse returns The LPN/LVN can gather data, but the RN is responsible for validating and interpreting that data to assess and evaluate. b. Select all that apply c. Discard any residual gastric contents Which task should the nurse take responsibility for completing? c. Take the client to the bathroom every 2 hr b. Grape juice c. They tend to use more verbal communication In which situation should the nurse consult the client's advanced directive? 2. The charge nurse might not have realized all the responsibilities of taking this team of clients. A. Place the pack on a sterile work surface A nurse has completed an informed consent form with a client. A nurse removes an indwelling urinary catheter that an older client has had in place for 2 days. Drag and Drop the items from one box to the other. Which of the following indications should the nurse include? Which clients should the nurse assign to the LPN/LVN based on skill level and scope of practice?
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