And when I put one of those suckers on and I hit the ground, I cannot wear the facial armband. So and this is what I try to get through to people. They give out that award every four years. His name is Alan Myers, fed as a site, and hes a forensic accountant. We have noticed that after Chinas theatrical lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual. even make this shit up. But I did see up close, and now from a distance over the years watching the people that run for these offices, how they do it, what their intentions are, and what truly are their qualifications in the vast majority that I see that theres no debate on this, theres not even an argument, you can have your own viewpoint. Im pro life, Im not gonna let them put that stuff on my body. Because they know the formula is if you just keep lying and lying and lying in line, theyll believe it of course over time. You know, I was in. gunshots dover nh; how thick is a stack of 100 dollar bills; June 22, 2022. revolution radio with scott mckay. They all had the, you know, they all had the same color suits. We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. Youre the only person that can guarantee your own safety and protection from this criminal empire. Trevor was the go-to guy on the staff with any technical or personal needs. As soon as I get my stuff paid for I got my stuff. I put the mask, I actually put it over my mouth. Episode 51: Scott McKay | ReAwaken America Tour - Dallas, Texas - Audacy There are many ways cell advises for government and industry allies to accomplish this objective. Oh, we were able to finally cheat on that election. As usual, theyre always forking cowards, theyre cowards. Mckenzie is registered to vote in Coshocton County, Ohio. With technology, the only technology that made her the only person on the plane with a safe piece of facial apparatus. Were gonna say what needs to be said. I was wearing seatbelts before it was the law because I had a crash and when I was younger, and wished Id have a seatbelt on. And this is no bullshit. you got to put out a fight strategies. All of you know what the facts are, in terms of the outbreak of this virus and the absolute tyrannical move thats been made on humanity. Home; Search; Donald W Mckay; Donald W Mckay's Ohio Voter Registration. somebody knows something and theyre not doing shit about it. And I said, I dont have to have one on I said, if you want to get a manager to talk to me, thats fine. That happens every day happens in the world just from the flu. The Universal and single minded presumption among its participants was that such a crisis would prove an opportunity of convenience to promote new vaccines, and tighten controls by a surveillance and censorship state. 1:30:53 What else would there be? America is different. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. tyranny only thrives when good people stand by and do nothing, do absolutely nothing. in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/113983/domains/ . It shows that the virus had burned itself out by one of June 2022 months after Chinas brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it. 1:52:18 Its a 63 page document. They have her money. They send out their thug force not category categorizing all the police saw so many police departments and officers that hate this bullshit. It only protects you if they dont give you adequate alternative. I cant anyway. So but the thing is, thats ultimately what its about because they want to hurt you. There are no air no protests. Finally, well sit here and wait, the new net proposes a lane open different because we aint moving. He comes in to throw his weight around, wrestles her to the ground injures her. So Im going to walk through something here, I just want to read this to you. Ive picked Ive picked some battles where I actually wanted the outcome more than I wanted the principle of not wearing a mask. So theres been significant observation on how corrupt these Khazarian oligarchs seem to have been planning this crime against humanity. She wont wear a mask, you wont endanger herself. I havent had a single word sent to me at window. In other words, they cant say, Oh, well, the governor is going to have legislative power for a little while. 1:30:46 President Tanzania tells the world the day submitted tests performed on a papa. Now, what do we have? 5:24 If you dont, well have you removed. To address is human society by the way, we got a great guest coming up in the second half that I mentioned that I love and I bring these guys on because these guys are really smart he always made me look good. Because thats the only way youre removing me. So now youre going to bring the weaponry thats going to help us all understand of who really has the power here. Asking quote? Thats what they all say and fork and fork and scumbags, its its generally. She had to kind of mask as a doctor, a research scientist, world renowned on a way to speak at a convention to 1000s of doctors about this very issue, wearing a mask. Listen, I. This is the Khazarian Mafia the CCP once used to be the Soviets is whatever they need to infiltrate. The second time on my way into the back of Costco. Hey, what made your ad fly or I saw you You went in there and you did her blah, blah, blah. Brian McKay - Wildwood Music, Coshocton, Ohio So what they would do is a given vaccine new soldier and hed be sick for about two weeks, youll as a system, his immune system fight off that weakened version of the smallpox. The Rockefeller Institute theyre all the same Rockefeller name attached to it. This, That And The Other. 1:50:22 I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Didnt make sense. I have a clinical study completed November 20 2020. performed in Wuhan itself. And folks, you wont ever go over and see that work. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. And its irreversible once it starts. And this guy came and got physical will talk to her this Friday. So they say you need to wear a mask for our protection. Scumbags beware! TuneIn Logo TuneIn Logo Home Search Local Radio Recents Trending Music Sports News & Talk Podcasts By Location By Language Sign In Sign Up Want to share news with us? I know what restaurants I can go to. But anyway, Thurgood. In that free market system, liberty will vanish and the Constitution means nothing. Im wondering, sometime in the future, I start seeing people dropping dead from the vaccines. As always, why dont like seatbelt laws? Im walking out of the store. His shoes will be difficult to fill. hard time on a job. Background Search. Hes a Federal Reserve combat battles against Federal Reserve as a But anyway, and he says something that I really appreciate. 1:31:07 Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins, biosecurity expert adviser to National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon, and Homeland Security. I think Scotts got some gas over there. Its an edict. What kind of economies that they have? And folks, this is this is Douglas v. Gibbs. But we hope we can have a Glorious Revolution, like the British did in 1688, where we can change a government without a shot being fired. the federal level is actually passing these mandates? Madonna, that pharmaceutical company who made one of the companies made a vaccine, hell take you be sure youre in front of a computer because you got to Google Search what he tells you when he tells you go see it with your own eyes. In other words, pray about it, talk about it, write about it, gather about it, and be activists about it. 1:53:54 I know that the Christian church grew most of that was under persecution. Not Not you, but to listeners. Right? And let them be eavesdropping on this meeting. They didnt do it. And and if people in an area would just make a concerted effort, okay, this business owners, one of those people that keep requiring us to do this, lets just collectively say nobody goes in that business anymore. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. She notes with alarm that unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease. Yeah, theyre not only you assembled, but anyway, nonetheless, in 1905, they basically said in a national emergency, you have no rights and you have and you have no liberty, because for the good of the community that must be satisfied. Youre one of my favorite people. This is the last bastion of freedom on Earth. Oddly, gates now claims oddly and that the simulation didnt occur. But heres the thing. out there. She doesnt wear a mask most of time. Quote, I think just to build a little bit on what Admiral said, I think as in previous conversations, where weve talked about a centralization around management information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach. Im a Reagan Baby, I voted for Reagan, when I was 18. Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: Email: Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows I always have been. I you know, short of short of a manager now coming to talk to me, which Ive asked them to bring a manager over, right? fantastic, folks. Anyways, were going to jump into the information that you need. There are two options here. And those police officers over there, started putting their buttons in their shields down and stepping across the line say You know what? SHOW MOREarrow_drop_down Host (s) Scott MacKay RIPR on Mobile Devices 4 years ago Awards 4 years ago Staff 23 years ago Providence Places Regulations On Electric Scooters 4 years ago TGIF: 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media 4 years ago Mckenzie Mckay Williams's Ohio Voter Registration. So the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. Who We Are - WTNS Show more. But theres a prototype that came out. This Khazarian Mafia, Rothschild Rockefeller global central bank and criminal empire. And I want to correct you from something you said earlier about the Constitution, affording us all rights, it doesnt afford us our rights. This clown says Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations. And I draw my favorite. Ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott McKay it is March 22 2021 you are listening to the tipping point on revolution radio Welcome to the show folks if youre brand new here you are in for the high octane full throttle truth hammer on all the deep state scumbag criminals all around the world. And Im like a Im not wearing my shoes. Theyre massively locked down, folks. Theyre the people that are doing what theyre doing in Israel. Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. We know at this end does. I said theyll always buckle for money if you take these business owners. Not surprising, JFK was assassinated just the following year. He developed technical skills way beyond what anyone expected. Over our many years of experience in the plumbing business, we have been providing a variety of services for many people, always meeting their needs and exceeding their expectations. Yeah. Patriot Streefighter, Scott McKay The Tipping Point Radio Host . And Ive been digging through some information that I want to bring to your attention. 2021 JAN 08 Tipping Point Scott McKay Sting of Stings Underway - 4CMiTV Because theyre not afraid to you. So when you had the radio show, what what was the what was the platform specifically? While all of our economies outside of China were frozen, China gained tremendous control over the worlds marketplace. Get in contact with Scott at Quote, some governments have taken control of national access to the internet as we know, others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number have shut down internet access completely, China to prevent the spread of misinformation, penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests. Sting of Stings which involves 22 Country Alliance. One piece that I want to bring up to you about all of this. We are available 24/7, so you can give us a call even for emergencies. They say well, you cant come in unless youre wearing a mask. Thats an interesting word panjin drums and that might sound like an Indian word actually, the exercise were wearing you know this many even though this exercise was referred to as event 201. course they lied about it, as they always do. So I will say. Ignorance is bliss. You can imagine this microphone This must make a whole lot of noise, lean against his desk. its eventual. optimism is my force multiplier. They show that gates in team did indeed stimulate or simulate health and economic policies. What makes sense? Save the kids. You start learning this stuff, its only going to get you more angry, but thats good, because then my response to her was, okay, now that youre angry, what are you going to do with it? So I started asking him questions. So heres some fodder for those of you havent the eerie sense that the government industry pandemic response feels like it was planned, even before there was a plan a plan. Shes coming in to get it out. You know, there you can donate to the cause if you like Im also a donor to revolution radio myself. And when somebody would approach me Id tell them the same thing. Yeah, but but she but because shes associated with you. You can see it now were on our Knights channel. If were not at if were not activated, were not involved. At the top, you will see a donate tab there where you can join the family of supporters for revolution radio, click that button on and make your donation you can also use the orange patron buttons, you can create a free Patreon account. do. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio Save the Children, He started atWTNS in 1996, becoming the longest-serving News Director at the radio station. Last couple days ago, he was Uber me over to the dealership to pick up my bike. look at when theres conflict. Everybody has the right to keep and bear arms. Its the way their mind gets wired. They eventually say well, maybe maybe they didnt do that. Dont you love that, quote? Anyways, gates event to a one simulated COVID the COVID epidemic that it would cause 65 million deaths at the 18 month end point 65 million deaths. He also says I also think were at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that theyre a technology platform and a broadcaster is over and not a broadcasters over interesting. hosty tagi Media adviser sums it up. And shes not eligible because shes not a natural born citizen. Call to Listen Studio-B 641-793-2531: Studio-A. Lets say we brought our founding fathers out right now. This is the tipping point revolution radio folks gonna take a short break, come back and were going to have Douglas Gibbs on for a great hour. And theres a time when you tell a PR firm to show up. Yet a lot of beautiful women very capable, very intelligent women. This is where its going to go now. Hell not going to spiritually ascend when youre still living in fear. Thats if they get away with it. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. And then when the gentleman who became my mentor called in, I really shifted into more constitutional concepts. It just wasnt today it is you go to DC, youre a rock star. And if youd like to do snail mail like my dad would do. 1:49:58 Scott MacKay's weekly commentary on politics in RI & MA. But thats gonna be the case. We are doing clinical trials in new anti retrovirals. This episode of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution Radio was livestreamed on Patriot Streetfighter 7 as it was being broadcast. Proudly powered by WordPress Mario. And because were a capitalist nation, those people primarily become entrepreneurs, they become business people. Where are all these orders and protocols and policies coming from? Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. I said, Yes. a charlatan actually is with Anthony Fauci promoting people take this vaccine. So and thats what its all about is ultimately its about the vaccine ultimately is about getting vaccinated, vaccinated vaccinated with something that is theoretical, the not sure what they, what they put in, it actually does to you. Heres what it says. Dwight Lilly. So somebody said a week or two ago, I saw one of the threads on the live stream. Because what Ive noticed in society in the last couple decades, the least qualified people are the ones that want to run for office of any sort, get into a position of power, and be the boss. You know the California Health and Safety Code Section 120 225 that uses language that indicates quarantine laws were designed to quarantine an individual or special specific location, not an entire community or organization. 1:07:45 You want me just to acquiesce. So and notice whats at the top of the list. But that should be everybodys individual decision. This new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. the CDC for prevention, various media powerhouses the Chinese government, a former CIA, National Security Agency director, which to me has to be James Clapper. "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern - Part 2 | February 6th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter Special guest, Steve Stern talks about how to get involved in saving the country with Save. Thats the problem. And so of course when I went to counter same bullshit, yet another one comes up. We started to show over a year ago, we have a lot of great hosts on this particular network. He should be worried, quote, people believe this is manmade and that some pharmaceutical company made the virus. Unfortunately for that Whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. Okay, I just keep checking out. And by the time I was 15, I was pretty well rounded about the US Constitution didnt really do much of it my whole life. Well, first of all, they have no authority to require us to wear a facial armband. So yeah, because you guys dont want to hear a police record of this confrontation. Because these people in power, the thieves, the thugs, the criminals, the murderers, the drug runners, the pedophiles, the human traffickers, traffickers, these people are the people that are in power, not just in this country, but in the world. Absolutely no question about it. Both of those have a link bar at the top itll take you to any part of my Douglas v Gibbs comm site you need to go as for the nonprofit constitution constitution Association comm thats where you can get a PDF copy of the lawsuit against Kamala Harris. He worked play-by-play at countless youth sporting events over the years, he received the OHSAA Media Service Award for the East District 19981999, and in 2014 he received the Ohio District 5 Hall of Honor Award from the Ohio High School Basketball Coaches Association. It was just released, he died of a heart attack. And so she has to respond. And there she is. when you dont know john adams said, once liberty is lost, Liberty is lost forever. Why? The Hammer side is obviously a hollowed out little bolt, and you can put in your piece pipe whatever you want. A peace pipe. the general will, and his exact quote was because sometimes men need to be forced to be free. 1:49:28 And theyre going to deal with prosecution under the color of law. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. And I guarantee you all the other states are very similar if not the same. And, you know, theres fears on some people, they said, Well, we know what the left is about, you know, they wouldnt hesitate to bring on the blue helmets or the Chinese soldiers. And to be able to actually see this man in person was what What a treat that was. Alan Meyers okay. Its the monetary system that either upholds or destroys it. He says, Doug, the Constitution is the prize. You know, I said when they get in here that Im going to deal with them. Wow, youre that vendor. Join here for free For those who joined up alreadycontact me hereso I can add you to the queue for adding your invite link on Survive the News. Thank you for your support. And and, you know, I said, because Im me. If I know about this, how come the governing class doesnt know about it? He worked play-by-play at countless youth sporting events over the years, he received the OHSAA Media Service Award for the East District 1998-1999, and in 2014 . But you know what I know. Because theyre out there, making the machine the nation work. I think it might have been at the end of February they had these negotiations with whoever the head COVID commander is in the disease ranks. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. 25. And by the time he was done with me, I became Mr. Constitution and Americas constitutional authority. Do you understand why I call these people fork and scumbags. So where are you going to call the police to remove me thats all the way Im leaving that or after Im done doing my business one of the other and he says no, were not gonna call the police. So George Gao, the prescient director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control worries about how to suppress rumors that the virus is laboratory generated. And youre considering potential potential health pandemic health issue a pandemic and the plant? So those two if you just want to learn the Constitution, just basic then those are the two books I recommend. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. The other one is especially for the businesses that we know were especially agree egregious when it comes to this is what we do is we same 40 people, but what we do is its one at a time every 30 seconds. These cowards will buckle belt buckle their drop the bullshit Come on in because I need your money. So Im going to bring on Douglas v. Gibbs best selling authors wrote seven books on the subject. He took over the platforms to hype his fans about the tour in recent days. And and and this is something that we are willing to fight for. Because this person started to do some searching on a dark web went down a rabbit hole, found a surgeon in this country that has taken abducted children, amputating the limbs and selling them as live human baby dolls. Enjoy. 1:21:36 I stick it on top, my head like a welders mask flipped up for I dont know, about 30 seconds, put my stuff in my cart, walked over to the counter. Well, and people say well, Doug, what textbook to use for that? They can be prosecuted civilly and criminally under the color of law. I said well, I the whole point is I cant wear one He says why tell you what now heres where those of you who have been paying attention are going to really hit the floor will let you in without a mask if you get vaccinated. 1:13:05 WTNS-FM radio station broadcasting an adult contemporary format. Exactly. And they know eventually they deny it so much eventually. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? Im still not working. Mario.
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