DFID spend in dark blue and non-DFID spend in grey. It also includes a summary of the government's current international development strategy and commentary on some of the issues affecting UK aid spending. Income groups: DFID - non-DFID comparison 2019, Figure 9: Breakdown of country-specific bilateral ODA by Income Group, 2019. For further information on development issues and FCDO policies, please contact the Public Enquiry Point on 020 7008 5000. Figure 11 legend: Breakdown of UK Bilateral ODA, 2019. Foreign aid cuts: UK charities accuse government of delivering 'tragic Between the spring and the autumn, the previous years ODA spending of government departments are finalised. What is the UK's overseas aid budget? Additional Tables and Annexes are available. Mapping the Global Flow of Foreign Aid - Visual Capitalist By 2021 we could be spending about 14.5 billion, based on the Office for Budget Responsibility's forecasts and in 2016 prices. This avoids double counting in Table 3 and the total UK EU attribution is not affected. in 2020, UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 14,479 million, a decrease of 698 million (4.6 % decrease) on 2019. The 2019 final ODA:GNI ratio is based on a GNI estimate published by the ONS on 30 June 2020. The Telegraph. , For further analysis on DAC country donors, see the OECD report on donors provisional figures. Where we do have to revise information included in this publication, we will follow the procedures set out in our revisions policy. To understand further what a DAC Peer Review involves please see the OECD guidance. Using this approach, Luxembourg is rated the most principled aid donor, followed closely by the UK and Sweden. In 2019, UK bilateral ODA to the region was 16 million, 0.3% of total UK bilateral ODA spend allocated to a region or country. Bilateral ODA to Africa increased steadily from 2015 briefly dropping in 2018 to 2,863 million. Pension payments made to ex-members of the UK Overseas Civil Service who were employed directly by developing country governments. Which countries receive UK aid money? Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. To illustrate the impact of using provisional figures, DAC members provisional ODA for 2018 was 114.7 billion. The portion of Gift Aid claimed by UK based international development charities that is then used on ODA eligible activities. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. It is therefore not possible to directly track the use of UK core multilateral funding. For more information please see the Grant Equivalent Technical note. It highlights that although the United States spent the greatest volume of ODA of any DAC donor (27.1bn), this represented a smaller share of its national income when compared with most other donors (0.16% of its GNI). This chapter provides an overview of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA). Total bilateral ODA=10.3 billion, of which 4.4 billion (42.4%) is spent in unspecified countries/regions. The UK pledged to spend at least 0.7 per cent of GNI on foreign aid in 1970. 3 minutes read. Through its donor contributions, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing concessional loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve peoples living condition. We will be reaching out to users via the Statistics at FCDO page to help us plan future developments and meet users analytical needs as far as possible. The increase in capital will be used to make investments in Africa and South Asia, ODA spend by departments other than DFID (Other Government Departments - OGDs) and other contributors of UK ODA (referred to collectively in Table 2 as non-DFID spend) was 4,090 million in 2019, an increase of 434 million, or 11.9%, on 2018, ODA spend by Other Government Departments was the driver behind the increase in non-DFID ODA, with the top 7 highest spending departments all spending more when compared with 2018. The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. After final decisions on UK ODA spending are made the GNI estimate can still shift due to later economic data for the year becoming available, so can the amount of ODA spent by other government departments and ODA contributions from non-departmental sources. According to Full Fact, the UK spent $12.1bn on overseas aid in 2015 after the target was introduced. The lighter blue represents the same measure but for ODA delivered through the Bilateral through Multilateral channel. EU attribution fluctuates from year to year because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. Top 10 Countries Contributing to Foreign Aid - The Borgen Project The estimate in 2018 and 2019 is based on published data from the European Commission on the UKs share of development expenditure. This decrease contrasts with the direction of travel in 2018 when DFIDs share increased for the first time since 2013, the share of total ODA spent by non-DFID contributors increased from 25.1% in 2018, to 26.9% in 2019. UK foreign aid cut: Where does it go and what is it used for? The FCO ODA programmes concentrated on the strategic objectives of promoting global prosperity, and strengthening global peace, security and governance. Data for this publication comes from the following sources: i) DFIDs ARIES database that records financial transactions relating to DFID payments and receipts. Statistics on International Development: Final UK Aid Spend 2019 The data shows that the UK met its spending target of allocating 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) towards aid in 2019, a commitment that is enshrined in UK law. Improvements to the system are being considered but for this publication, where this is the case spend is reported as bilateral ODA spend with no single benefitting country or region (section 4.1.5). The size of the dots corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each income groups sector. Japan - Japan is the largest contributor to foreign aid in Asia. See the case study in SID 2018 (p. 34) for more information on Developing country, unspecified ODA. The UK commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on ODA is reported the year following the spend based on confirmed ODA outturn and GNI estimates published by the Office for National Statistics. The nation paid 1 out of every 8 in foreign aid given by 29 major countries, figures reveal. In a calendar year, FCDO and HM Treasury will monitor spend by other departments and funds, and movements in GNI during the year[footnote 28]. The saving . The top five countries to receive UK aid money in 2021 were Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Yemen, with almost all funds going to countries in Africa and Asia, according to government data. This allows regional teams to adjust funding to ensure they have a strategic fit with HMG objectives and are delivering effectively. Countries That Receive the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S. Other government departments will continue to publish throughout this period. B. Foreign aid budget 'raided' by Home Office to pay for refugee hotels The UK is one of only six countries who met the UN-defined . Non-DAC members included in the OECD's publishing are listed separately. This was mostly due to an increase in humanitarian aid spend, with the largest country specific increase to Yemen (see Case Study 1, p. 32, for a more detailed look at the story in Yemen). I. For more detail on the grant-equivalent impact on other donors see Final SID 2018. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. , For breakdowns of spend to the top 20 recipients, see Table 6 on the publication landing page. UK foreign aid spending in 2021/22. DCMSs Cultural Protection Fund supports developing countries, mainly in Middle Eastern conflict zones, to protect and restore their cultural heritage. Cuts to UK foreign aid budget are shortsighted and could damage British This was an increase of 101 million compared to 2018. 'Raiding' of UK aid budget short-changing world's poorest, MPs warn This was a 7.0% fall (374m) compared to 2018. in part due to decrease in the amount of UK core funding to the International Development Association (part of the World Bank Group). The relatively larger increase in the level of ODA in 2016 (by 1.2bn) reflects the switch to the European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 methodology for measuring GNI and the consequent increase in UK ODA to meet the 0.7% ODA commitment on that basis. Within Health, the top three spending areas in 2019 were Medical Research (339m), Family Planning (252m) and Infectious Disease Control (182m). A report from the International Development Committee said the world's poorest countries were being "short-changed" by . Compared to 2018, Government and Civil Society had an increased spend of 118 million in 2019, with the majority of this coming from DFID (90m). Multisector/Cross-Cutting - 1,325 million (12.9%). Figure 17 legend: ODA spend in terms of GNI comparing 2018 and 2019 spend for each DAC donor country (ODA:GNI ratio). The report released on Saturday, October 29 says that is because a large percentage of the money set aside for aid is being spent on housing and supporting refugees. In 2018, the country donated $14.2 billion. Section 2 - largest donors and recipients in a region. Almost 25% of that budget has gone to just ten countries: Ethiopia ($1.13 billion) Jordan ($1.03 billion) Afghanistan . Largest donors of humanitarian aid worldwide 2022 | Statista Non-DFID EU contributions include ODA eligible spend in peace, security, democracy, human rights and civil society. Foreign Aid - Definition, Types, History, How Does it Work? Ethiopia was the largest among the African countries and second overall with around US$417 million. The UK spend is highlighted in turquoise with the other donors in dark blue. . Major sectors are ordered from top to bottom by largest 2019 0DA spend. In 2018, there was 4 million of Debt Relief. In 2020, the most recent year for which the data is complete, military aid accounted for 23% of all foreign aid spending - the smallest share since 2004 - while economic assistance accounted . In 2020, Britain spent 14.5bn on foreign aid, a figure that meets the 0.7 per cent target, according to provisional data published by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in April. The majority of this increase was spent in the health sector, and the largest country-specific increase was to South Sudan (see for more information). 2. See humanitarian factsheet (p. 35) for more background. Also included is spend within specific sectors for which there are no designated benefitting country or region or where benefitting countries are not known until the end of the programme[footnote 11] (section 4.1.5). Overall there has been a steady increase in the amount of UK ODA since 1970, with a spike in 2005 and 2006 which was driven by high levels of debt relief[footnote 2], and then a steep increase in 2013 (by 2.6 bn) when the UK Government first met the 0.7% ODA:GNI commitment. On 28 August, the ODA statistics team published a note on the Gross Public Expenditure statistics (GPEX). The UK government made a commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA from 2013. In particular, DFIDs bilateral ODA spend increased by 711 million, to 7,064 million in 2019. , Statistics on International Development, Final UK Aid Spend, 2019, p. 18, Figure 5, Figure 18 is based on the provisional 2019 ODA data from all 29 DAC member countries, except the UK for which final 2019 ODA data is used. Statistics on International Development: final UK aid spend 2020 - GOV.UK This shift in share was in part driven by the decrease seen in the UKs core contributions to multilaterals as well as the actual increase in bilateral ODA spend. , From 2018 onwards, Official Development Assistance (ODA) has changed from being measured on a cash basis to a grant equivalent basis, following a decision taken by the DAC in 2014. The note sets out plans to discontinue the publication of the GPEX suite of tables due to (i) low public usage and (ii) being able to meet the main known needs by adding 3 pilot summary tables to Statistics on International Development (SID). Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The UK aid budget sits at around 11 billion, which includes 4 billion going to multilateral . The Statistics on International Development: Provisional Aid Spend 2019 publication outlines provisional ODA spend information and an estimate of GNI for 2019 published by ONS in March to calculate a provisional estimate of the ODA:GNI ratio. In 2019, frontline diplomatic activity (the FCOs administrative costs not included elsewhere, which are reported under FCO spend as Aid-related frontline diplomacy in support of aid flows to ) were reported at the country level compared to recent years when they were reported at the regional level. This primarily is linked to food and shelter for up to 12 months. Telephone: 01355 84 36 51. Other = Other government departments: Department of Health and Social, Prosperity Cross-Government Fund, HM Treasury, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education, HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, Ministry of Defence, and Office for National Statistics, Department for International Trade. This spend in the top 5 countries represents 28.3% of the total country-specific UK bilateral ODA in 2019, a slight reduction from 2018 when they comprised 31.2% of the total (Figure 6), in 2019 the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m) (Figure 6). Aid spending was an estimated 3 billion lower in 2021 than 2020 (14.5 billion versus 11.5 This reflects that core contributions to multilaterals, are in general, based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, 10,258 million of UK ODA spend was delivered through bilateral channels. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia,[c] officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA),[d] is a country on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. Least Developed Countries (LDCs/Other LICs) received more Humanitarian Aid (949m, 33.6% of total bilateral ODA to LDCs/Other LICs) and Health support (528m, 18.7% of total bilateral ODA to LDCs/Other LICs), whereas spend in these sectors was much lower for Upper-Middle Income Countries, where more ODA is spent on Multisector/Cross-Cutting sectors (140m, 20.1% of total bilateral ODA to UMICs) and Government and Civil Society (131m, 18.9% of total bilateral ODA to UMICs), View full size version of infographic: Case Study 2 Humanitarian. Figure 2: Total UK ODA by main delivery channel (%), 2015-2019. Figure 16 shows the UK remained the third largest DAC donor in 2019 at 15.2 billion, behind the United States (27.1bn) and Germany (18.7bn). In 2021, UK aid spending fell 21% compared to 2020 to stand at 11.4 billion. The quality assurance Annex 3 describes the steps that have been taken by FCDO statisticians to minimise these kinds of input errors, and to produce UK ODA statistics. Figure 8 legend: Breakdown of Country-Specific UK Bilateral ODA by Country Income Group, 2009-2019. First, total Russian net ODA disbursements nearly quadrupled from US$231 million in 2010 to US$902 million in 2015 (in constant 2015 dollars). The analysis in this chapter is based on provisional[footnote 21] 2019 ODA data from all 29 Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries[footnote 22] except the UK, for which final 2019 ODA data is used. This was due to a rise in spending to support asylum seekers in the UK, primarily reflecting an increase in Asylum Support volumes in 2019 when compared to 2018, BEIS spent 960 million of ODA in 2019 an increase of 110 million, or 12.9%, on 2018. Office for Statistics Regulation published their finding from the compliance check of SID which confirmed that it is designated a National Statistics. What every American should know about US foreign aid - Brookings It outspends the next largest, Germany, by more than $10 billion a year; the United Kingdom, Japan, and France follow. Calendar year financial transaction data are used to compile UK ODA spend statistics. Figure 15 summarises the differences in the main sectors of 2019 UK bilateral ODA spend between countries of different income groups. Only asylum seekers within the first 12 months after they make a claim for asylum in the UK are included. The tracker uses open data on development projects, compliant with the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard, to show where funding by the UK Government and its partners is going and trace it through the delivery chain. The countries within the top 10 remained unchanged from 2018[footnote 25]. This is the estimate for the non-DFID share of the EU ODA budget. The UK government has been signed up to the target since 1974, but reached it for the first . The estimate for the UKs share of the EU ODA budget in 2019 is 983 million compared to 951 million in 2018. Non-DFID contributors accounted for the total spend on Refugees in Donor Countries (477m) which consists of ODA eligible support for refugees in their first year of stay in the UK (for example food and shelter), the sector Humanitarian Aid received the largest amount of UK ODA in seven of the top 10 recipient countries in 2019, consistent with 2018, in Pakistan, UK ODA spend on Education has been consistently higher than any other sector over the past 5 years (over 100m per year), in Ethiopia, Humanitarian Aid has consistently been the largest sector spend since 2017, in response to drought affected areas, giving access to food assistance and other immediate relief, over the past 5 years in Afghanistan, the UK has consistently spent more in the Government and Civil Society sector than any other. Work upstream in ODA countries to build capacity and capability in recipient countries in order to improve security, protect children and tackle modern slavery. The increase in bilateral spend was the largest increase seen since 2016, when the UK switched to the ESA 2010 methodology for GNI estimates, 3,066 million of bilateral ODA was delivered through multilateral organisations, an increase of 294 million compared to 2018. This was partly due to an increase in Developing Country Unspecified spending in 2019. developing country, unspecified ODA) (Figure 11). And because the economy grew in 2019, aid spending rose in line with national income from 14.5 billion to 15.2 billion an increase of 645 million (4.4%) compared to 2018.
Kristen Gilbert James Perrault, Articles U